Building Success Stories
This website features 33 representative outpatient buildings of Landmark. The 33 buildings reflect the diversity of the outpatient buildings of Landmark and demonstrate the flexibility of the development and ownership programs of Landmark.
- The 33 outpatient buildings were developed for 27 leading hospitals, health systems and academic medical centers.
- The 33 outpatient buildings are located in 16 states throughout the United States.
- The 33 outpatient buildings include 3,311,567 square feet in the aggregate, with an average building size of 100,350 square feet.
- 29 outpatient buildings are located on the campuses of client hospitals, health systems and academic medical centers, and 4 buildings are located on the outreach sites of clients of Landmark.
- 20 outpatient buildings were developed for the sole ownership of Landmark or the co-ownership of Landmark and client healthcare providers and their staff physcians. 7 outpatient buildings were developed for the sole ownership of client hospitals and health systems and 6 buildings were developed for the ownership of healthcare real estate investment trusts.
Space Breakdown in the 33 Representative Outpatient Buildings